all the pink things for valentine's

valentine wish list

A list of fun pink things that would make great gift ideas from your guy, or from yourself.  Not sure why, but whenever Chip gets me something in pink I feel extra treated because I know pink isn't his fave.  Pink things always feel a bit indulgent to me somehow.

(1) Pink Notebooks - for doodles, note taking, etc.

(2) BFF and Love Potion mugs - to make morning tea/coffee extra sweet.

(3) Pink Smeg - which makes making that morning cup extra delightful.  Plus it's absurdly cute on the counter.

(4) Pink Flutes - even if the bubbly is just Spendrift (my new fave, only in the grapefruit flavor, which I can only find at Target btw).

(5) Pink Watch - to keep you from checking your phone in front of the kiddos.

(6) Pink Pillow - to add a bit of whimsy to the sofa.

(7) Pink message board - to write out family notes.

(8) Pink Smash Mallows - seriously, these are SO good.

(9) Pink Booties - made for walking.  Confidence + a dash of sweet.

(10) Pink Tray - to arrange the things on the coffee table.

(11) Sleep in Pillow - not pink, but this is kind of my fantasy these days.

(12) Pink block heels - perfect height.  You can look dressed up while toting the baby, the bags, and all the things.  I have these, and they are awesome for the price!

(13) Pink dress - for date nights or being fancy during the day, too.  Also love this top!

(14) Pink chaise lounge - if you have littles, too, it's likely you don't do much lounging, but a girl can dream, right?



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