A Greatest Showman Inspired Birthday Party
Vivi turned 8 this past fall, and like a lot of girls her age, she has been into The Greatest Showman in a big way. (It has only recently been upstaged by Mary Poppins Returns - I love all these fun musicals!) She really wanted a party themed after the movie, so I did my best to create it for her.
It was mild enough this November to have her party outside, and we set up a pretty little viewing situation so the girls could all watch the movie. I used my favorite little tables my father made for her third birthday party (they have come in handy so many times!), and wrapped the top in gold and white wrapping paper (such an easy way to dress a table - just fold it under the edges and tape it!). Vivi loved the Pinterest favorite party-hats-on-the-circus-animals and gumball jars (I used these animals on top of ball jars that I found at Target and spray painted the tops gold), which made for really fun favors.
We loaded up her tea cart with popcorn for a snack while watching the movie, and Chip cooked sliders on the grill (the perfect little party food for 8 year olds!) with homemade macaroni and cheese and fruit.
I've started baking cakes for the girls' parties; it's so much less expensive, and it's something I'd like to get better at, anyway!
We also made little headbands for the girls to wear with sequin headbands and giant feathers - so fun! I made some quick black and white curtains for the screen, and added all the pinwheels on top, which I love! Wish I could keep it up all the time!
The girls had so much fun watching the movie out in the open (here is the projector and screen Chip recommends - we use it ALL THE TIME!) , and they had plenty of space to get up, run around, and sing and act out their favorite songs.
It was so much fun celebrating my big girl, and making her feel special!
Would love to know if you have any questions about it!